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Il Nodo Consortium has been a solid point of reference in the field of reception services for migrants on Italian territory for 20 years. The skills it has acquired, its management capacities and the know-how it has acquired enable the Consortium to manage the Territorial Programme of Integrated Assistance promoted by the Integrated Reception System (IAS). The latter, established by Law 189/2002 (formerly SPRR), consists of a network of Local Authorities that, at a territorial level, thanks to the help and support of the Third Sector, guarantee integrated reception measures which, going beyond the mere distribution of board and lodging, also provide complementary information, accompaniment, assistance and orientation measures, through the construction of individual socio-economic integration paths.

The IAS projects managed by the Consortium insist on the territories of the municipalities of Catania and Acireale and are aimed at both adults seeking asylum, refugees and holders of subsidiary protection, belonging to the ordinary and/or vulnerable category, and unaccompanied foreign minors.  The main services provided in the IAS projects are: language mediation, general personal assistance services, legal information, psychosocial assistance, health assistance, training services, orientation and information services for job placement, socio-cultural animation, and housing services.

The beneficiaries are divided into small groups and housed in flats located in central areas of the city (diffuse reception model), with the aim of facilitating the guests’ path to autonomy and promoting their real integration in terms of access to services, work, housing and socialisation opportunities offered by the territory.

In fact, the integrated reception system put in place aims at guaranteeing that the needs of the beneficiaries are taken care of globally, with a view to moving away from an emergency-type logic and building a complete, effective, long-term integration model that prevents marginalisation phenomena and favours the individual’s path to re-conquest of autonomy.

Within the IAS projects, the Consortium manages:

  • 24 facilities for adults seeking and holding international protection, located in Catania and Acireale
  • 14 Level II facilities for MSNA (unaccompanied foreign minors), located between Catania and Acireale