The “C’ENTRO anch’io a Scuola” project, financed by the Impresa Sociale Con I Bambini (Con I Bambini Social Enterprise), stems from the detection of the discomfort that minors experience in several territories in the province of Catania (belonging to the Ionian, Simeto and Calatina areas), where socio-economic difficulties, lack of meeting spaces and services and opportunities for young people are found. The project aims to reduce the educational poverty that affects the young people of these areas, through the creation of high-density educational centres in which to experiment an effective practice of integrated education.
In a preventive approach to combat the school drop-out, the project promotes motivation to study and the possibility of bridging educational gaps (with targeted school support actions), through innovative methodologies that combine formal education activities with non-formal activities, which are carried out both during and outside school hours, not only within schools but also in other educational contexts. A distinguishing element is the promotion of children’s protagonism starting from their active and responsible participation in all phases of the proposed interventions. The course follows an integrated approach, involving all the actors concerned with the phenomenon (students, teachers, families). Thanks to the involvement of numerous and varied local partners, the project guarantees the activation of the most appropriate strategies to respond effectively to the peculiarities of the various contexts. On the basis of the peculiarities of each institute, of the territory and of the characteristics of the users, specific educational and didactic actions are implemented, integrated with each other, with particular attention to the transition phase from middle school to high school, inside and outside the school, in a network perspective of prevention and/or contrast of discomfort and promotion of empowerment and resilience paths in the most fragile subjects.